September is Alopecia Areata Awareness Month

A condition that can affect men and women of all ages, alopecia areataoccurs when an individual’s immune system begins to attack their hair follicles, resulting in continued hair loss. Hair often falls out in patches and over time it will fall out and grow back in unpredictable cycles. Depending on the individual case, hair may fall out on the head or over the entire body.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation has named September Alopecia Areata Awareness Month in an effort to share information and stories with those suffering from this autoimmune skin disease. Minor and major league baseball teams across the country have teamed up with NAAF to show their support.
Over 147 million people worldwide are suffering from alopecia areata and 6.6 million of them are living here in the United States. Whether you suffer from this condition yourself or are looking to show your support, there are plenty of ways to do so! Get involved in an upcoming community event, plan your own event or make a donation to further research. Support groups can be found throughout the country and all over the globe. Visit NAAF to find one near you.